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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 09/06/2011
 Town of Antrim – Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
September 6, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Michael Genest in the Antrim Town Hall.

Members Present:        Mr. Genest and Mr. Robertson, Mr. Tenney (arrived at 7:07 PM)
Staff Present:  Galen Stearns (Town Administrator)
  • Mr. Robertson motioned to accept minutes of August 8, 2011, Mr. Genest 2nd, passed 2/0
  • Mrs. Thelma Nichols spoke to the board about holding a fund raiser at the library on December 2nd, to benefit the Festival of Tress and requested permission from the Selectmen to serve alcohol during the event.  The beverage would either be wine or a punch with alcohol in it.  Mr. Stearns will check with the Town’s insurance carrier as far as coverage and liability exposure.
Mr. Stearns presented the results of the request for heating oil bids.  Two responses were received which were:
  • Allen & Mathewson –
  • Option 1) fixed price $3.599 per gallon
  • Option 2) $0.25 above daily posted rack price
  • Rymes –
  • $3.699 per gallon
The Selectmen asked what Conval was doing and requested that Mr. Stearns check with the business manager.
  • Mr. Stearns informed the board that Mary Pinkham-langer (NH gravel tax appraiser) would be reviewing the all the excavation sites in town on Tuesday, September 13th.
The Board received correspondence from MR. & Mrs. Barsanti, 28 Highland Avenue, concerning road drainage onto their property.  Mr. Stearns and Mr. Genest will look into the corrective measures taken approximately tow years ago.
The Board received a request from Mr. Robinson expressing interest in purchasing the property Map 235 Lot 011 on Craig Road (Owner unknown).  Mr. Stearns explained that the Town can not sell the property as it would need to go through the deeding process with the Town acquiring the property for un-paid taxes.  Mr. Stearns will work with the Tax Collector on property liens.
The Board received a request from Glover Construction for the Town to accept Knapton Circle Road as a Town Road.  The Selectmen stated that the advice of Town Counsel is not to accept roads that have not had the majority of house constructed.
  • The Board received a request from Mighty Oaks Realty for the release of escrow money held by the Town.  Mr. Robertson motioned to release the escrow account as requested, Mr. Tenney 2nd.  Passed 3/0
  • Mr. Stearns presented the Joint Loss Safety Manual for approval.  Mr. Robertson motioned to release the escrow account as requested, Mr. Tenney 2nd.  Passed 3/0
  • Mr. Robertson motioned to go into Non-public session per RSA 91-A:3 II d Consideration of the acquisition, sale, or lease of real or personal property, Mr. Genest 2nd.  Roll vote  all in favor passed 3/0
The board returned to public session at 8:40 PM, Mr. Genest motioned to seal the minutes, Mr. Tenney 2nd, motion passed 3/0.  There being no further business, the Mr. Robertson motioned to adjourn, Mr. Genest 2nd, passed 3/0 meeting adjourned at 8:41 PM.